Artikujt rreth Lajm i fundit nga qershor, 2011
Egjipt: Mubaraku dënohet për ndërprerjen e internetit gjatë revolucionit
Ky postim është pjesë e mbulimit tonë special të Revolucionit në Egjipt 2011. Sot u njoftua se një gjyq egjiptian e ka dënuar presidentin e rrëzuar egjiptian Hosni Mubarakun dhe zyrtarë...
Spanjë: Revolucioni spanjol po shpërndahet në tërë botën
Mobilizations in Spain have ignited what has been called a “World Revolution”, with more than 600 demonstrations and camp outs taking place in solidarity with Spanish protesters. Websites, Twitter hashtags, and Facebook accounts are being used to spread and share information, thoughts, and opinions. Mobilizations in Spain have ignited what has been called a “World Revolution”, with more than 600 demonstrations and camp outs taking place in solidarity with Spanish protesters. Websites, Twitter hashtags, and Facebook accounts are being used to spread and share information, thoughts, and opinions.